About Pertech
Judi Beerling is an enthusiastic product formulator and chemist. Pertech is based on the Kent coast in the South of England bringing global expertise to innovative companies and brands worldwide. Judi's strong interest in botanical ingredients, aromatherapy and natural / organic beauty care make Pertech a passionate advocate for brands seeking this approach.
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About Judi
A highly experienced cosmetic scientist, Judi started her career in Unilever and ICI's Quest International business, where she managed product application and innovation activities for many global clients. Working with Organic Monitor (now Ecovia Intelligence) she led the technical research activities and still collaborates with them today at educational events.
She is an active industry member, having been part of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists for over 30 years. She is a Society of Cosmetic Scientists Past President and several times Council member and Honorary Treasurer. Judi's extensive knowledge and contacts within the cosmetic industry globally are brought to benefit clients of Pertech Associates.
Her capabilities in product formulation, knowledge of fragrance and cosmetic ingredients and strong interest in botanical ingredients, aromatherapy and natural / organic beauty care are the foundation for Pertech's product development expertise. Judi is also an educator and trainer in cosmetic science and natural product formulation and provides these services on a consultancy basis.
Judi Beerling - C.Chem MRSC, MBA
Technical Director